`LIOD` is a tiny functional LISP-esque programming language, designed to be `flexible`, `multiplatform`
and `simplistic`. The language is `beta` now, so possibly has some bugs.
- Supports `symbols`, `definitions`, `macros`.
- Supports `expanding` and `return symbols`
- Only 4 keywords: `use`, `def`, `mac`, `con`.
- Always the `same pattern` of programming.
- Possability to create `nested macros`.
- Can be compiled for `any platform`.
- `Simple` and `beautiful` syntax.
You can download LIOD compiler right now on this site: LIOD.exe
Other info about the language and it's development you can get on the `following pages`.
; fibonnacci example (.NET framework, indev)
(use LIOD)
(use DOTNET)
(def first 0)
(def second 1)
(= fib (list first second))
(mac main (def)
(= lst (fibonnacci 8))
(foreach val lst
(write val)
; "length" is the length of the return array
(fn fibonnacci (def length)
(for (= i 2) (\l i lenght) (++ i)
(push fib (+
(get-at fib (- i 2))
(get-at fib (- i 1))
(return fib)
>>> 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13